To achieve the highest level of professionalism among Islamic Finance practitioners

Block B1-3-1,

Solaris Dutamas

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Dr. Syed Adam Alhabshi

Dr. Syed Adam Alhabshi is a Partner at Raja, Darryl & Loh and heads the Islamic Finance Practice Group. He holds a Ph.D in Islamic Finance from the International Centre for Islamic Finance Education (INCEIF) (2016). He also holds a Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) from INCEIF (2010), and read law at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) (2006). Dr. Syed Adam is currently the Honorary Secretary and a Grand Council Member of the Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance (CIIF). Professionally, he is also qualified as a Chartered Professional in Islamic Finance (CPIF). Dr. Syed Adam is also the Internal Auditor and an Associate Member of the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance Malaysia (ASAS). He currently sits on the Islamic Finance Committee of Bar Council Malaysia as the Co- Chairperson.